There are so many customers are very new in this replica game and they may need basic guidance in order to make decision on which piece they need to buy. Here are some basic knowledges I want to share with new customers:
We only sell THE HIGHEST GRADE replicas in this industry, people usually call it as Swiss Clone, Super Clone 1:1, Clone replica, Swiss ETA copy. Whatever the name is, these watches are factory made, not handmade or custom build replica, and we are not selling low grades replicas.
There are only very rare replicas built with genuine swiss ETA movement. If someone tells you so, means you have been fooled and just walk away. Most of best replicas in the market are with ASIAN MOVEMENT as a clone of SWISS MOVEMENT. The price will always tell you something.
Asian movement is a clone of swiss movement or genuine inhouse movement like ETA 2824, 2836, 7750, SA.3135, etc. They are very reliable compare to genuine, however they are not tested formally, they don't have COSC certificate like genuine, some piece will have technical errors or inaccuracy. This is the our job to do better quality control before delivery.
The character of replica movement creates more noise compare to genuine movement by default. This fact is very normal when we try our logical sense to compare the price between replica and genuine. Especially on complex features of watches, the sound will be slightly more noise compare to simple analog watches. It is also depending on how good the factory making the replication.
Replica is still replica, even the best replica with high price, still replica. Price will always tell you something to make sense. Do not expect $500 piece will be the same perfection with $5,000 or $50,000 genuine pieces. There must be some flaws even those are very small minor flaws.
Almost all of our watches are water proofed, but the water resistance level varies from models to models. We will advise you that our replica are safe for: Daily Use or Swimming. There are some people try to wear some models for deep diving below 20m, but we will not recommend this to do at all.
We can't say what is the best replica model we have in our website. Every brands and models have their own flagship replica which consider as the best build. As we mention on above point, every factory has its own speciality to make good replication on some particular brands and models.
One thing please keep in your mind: THE MORE COMPLEX THE FEATURES OF THE WATCH ON GENUINE, THE MORE FLAWS ON REPLICA. There are some features on watches:
In fact, there are 2 major different gold application techniques on replica:
There is no replica with full solid gold unless you modify it. The gold color will be long lasting, but if you have deep dent on your gold replica, the steel inside will be spotted.
As solution, we give you 100% guarantee to replace your order when it's facing customs seizing or refund to you based on our discussion. You can find more infos in our Customs Issue section.
Why we need 3 - 5 days or more days sometimes?
That is why we try to do approximate safe level for us to handle your orders until delivery. Maximum 5 business days is the safest period for us to promise you.