As we know, all good replicas are made in China. Depending on every country has different customs regulations, sending replicas from China worldwide is a challengeable work.
But still, from our years of experiences, there are some tricky ways to do for making sure the safe delivery.
We have very experienced shipping agents work with us for years, they know some special safe ways to deliver the replicas to you. It will be cheaper and also not slow. We might use different logistic companies by different countries to deliver your package just to make it safer.
Some countries have very strict customs policies, such as some EU countries and South American countries. China is known for replica goods that sometimes causes a package coming from China being opened and possibly confiscated. But now we have 3 areas agents for supporting the triangular shipping.
There are two points that you need to know when you choose the triangular shipping:
But if you don’t have any experiences on sending replica to your country, we strongly advise you choose this method to make your order delivered safely.